shutdown -r -m \\MachineName -t -01

  • -m = \\machine name (ie \\Com248)
  • -t = time
  • -01 = 1 minute
  • -r = reboot (-s = shutdown)

shutdown /m \\ MachineName /r /f

  • -f = close all open applications


  • This brings up a graphical box to enter your PC number & a cmts box

Automate shutdown / reboot multiple devices

  • shutdown -r -m \\DELL-PC1 -t -01
  • shutdown -r -m \\SURFACEPRO -t -01
  • shutdown -r -m \\MachineName -t -01

Add the above to a text file, and then save it as a batch file. This can then be double clicked on on run from a task scheduler.  Obviously you would need to change the switches / parameters for each device.