Private Sub Ticket_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
'Opens newtwork folder specific to the MAM Ticket Number if there is one set up
End Sub
Private Sub Open_Specific_Folder()
'Opens specific ticket folders if set up (NOT MAM)
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR 'On error go to
'Declare Variables
Dim StrYear As String
Dim StrMonth As String
StrYear = Year(StartDate()) 'Gets the Year from the form field StartDate
StrMonth = Month(StartDate()) 'Gets the Month from the form field StartDate
'Opens up the folder path C:\New Folder\Jobs\Info + YEAR + MONTH + ID
'YEAR & MONTH StrValues ID = Form Field
strMyDocPath = "C:\New Folder\Jobs\Info" & "\" & StrYear & "\" & StrMonth & "\" & ID 'Create the path
FollowHyperlink strMyDocPath 'Opens up the path set by the variable strMyDocPath
Caption = strMyDocPath
Exit Sub
'Tells the user that there is no folder setup, and would they like to create one. If NO exit sub, if YES then creates one, and then opens it
Dim StrResponse As Integer
StrResponse = MsgBox(" Sorry no folder set up against job no:- " & ID & " Would you like to create one for it ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If StrResponse = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Ok", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
If StrResponse = vbYes Then
MkDir "W:\Facilities\00-Jobs\01-Ticket Info" & "\" & StrYear & "\" & StrMonth & "\" & ID
MsgBox "Created", vbInformation
strMyDocPath = "W:\Facilities\00-Jobs\01-Ticket Info" & "\" & StrYear & "\" & StrMonth & "\" & ID
FollowHyperlink strMyDocPath
End If
'MsgBox " Sorry no folder set up against job no,would you like to create one " & "-" & " " & ID, vbInformation
'MsgBox " Sorry no folder set up against job no " & "-" & " " & ID, vbInformation
'MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " No folder set up against job no " & "-" & " " & ID, vbInformation
'MsgBox "Error: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description, vbCritical
Exit Sub